f The Canadian Bureau of Foreign Apologies

The Canadian Bureau Of Foreign Apologies

The Canadian Bureau Of Foreign Apologies

Canada is letting the world down by not protecting the land we said we would and I think we should apologize.


Below you’ll find an articulate letter that I, very kindly, have pre-written for you, showing support for Canada’s Target One. All you have to do is fill in some info and send to your local MPP and Premier.

The Canadian Bureau Of Foreign Apologies
Dear Sir or Madam,

In 2010, Canada signed the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s Biodiversity Targets, promising to protect 17% of our land for nature by 2020. We’re nowhere near that number, and time is running out.

What are we waiting for? I’m tired of the inaction of provinces and ashamed that my country, famed for its wild spaces, is doing nothing to take care of them. I want you to work with the federal government to fulfil our promise to the 195 other countries that have also made this commitment. I want you to protect biodiversity in our province, and to make it a priority for all our futures, for the good of the country and the planet.

Thank you,

An embarrassed Canadian Citizen

Fill in your information, locate your premier and member of assembly and send your, our, letter.